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Winter Driving Tips

Writer's picture: Alinsco AgencyAlinsco Agency

Goodbye fall, hello winter!

As we usher in this magical new season, there are many things to be excited about. Christmas is quickly approaching, the weather is getting cooler, and we’re approaching a new year. However, with all of the great things the winter season gives us, there are also some things we must be aware of and adjust to. Road conditions will drastically alter during this time and it’s important to make sure you understand how to adapt to these new changes. Here are the top 5 driving safety tips for winter!

Slow It Down- Usually, speed limits are meant for dry pavement, so they don’t really apply when the roads are wet and scattered with ice. Instead, drive 5-10 miles below the appointed limit to ensure that you don’t spin out of control or skid due to high speeds upon braking. This should also apply to turning, merging and taking exits on highways.

Ice Hazards – Although snow and ice can look beautiful during this time, they can also prove to be very dangerous. They can hide traffic lines, potholes, and other road hazards, so make sure that the road has your undivided attention. Also, be aware of your brake pressure because stopping on ice can be extremely dangerous. Always drive with caution through these icy patches.

Road Awareness – Watch out for those occasional ice trucks! They tend to drive at a slow pace, so be aware. Because of their unique air exposure, bridge surfaces usually freeze worse than normal roads. Also, some exit ramps occasionally receive less anti-icing material than the main highway, so make sure you slow down when exiting the main road.

Heavy Precipitation – Rain, snow, and frost are pretty prevalent weather conditions in the winter, so be on alert for these impending changes. Once the temperature drops, make sure that you’re on high alert for morning frost and icy spots on the road. Also, if you wake up to a foggy morning, make sure that you stick with your low beams and avoid using high beams. This will cause a disturbance in visibility by bouncing off of the fog and creating glare.

Traffic Adjustments – If there is heavy traffic, make sure that you look further ahead and keep a greater distance between cars than you’d normally do. This will give you extra time to react safely to kneejerk decisions by other cars and trucks on the road. Also, trucks take longer to respond to any action because of their large size, so drive with caution around them in these harsh conditions.

With the change of seasons, it’s also a great time to make sure that all of your insurance needs are up-to-date. Give us a call to have an agent make sure that your auto insurance has the right amount of coverage for your family and your needs. We can also ensure that you are getting the best rate for your policy.

We hope that these tips find you well and keep you safe during the upcoming months!

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