How is it that school is already upon us? And with that also come the additional expenses but what if you could also save? Yes! You read right, savings during this time are also possible.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that everyone was planning their summer trips and now we are planning back to school pickups. Getting everyone ready to head back can be a big undertaking! You got, school supply shopping, clothes shopping, meet the teacher, last-minute getaways, eye exams, and checkups. As you know getting one child ready for school is a huge undertaking, not mentioning two or three! With all of these expenses draining your wallet this month, it is the perfect opportunity to shop your auto insurance.
So, what does shop mean? We don’t want to be adding more things to this month’s shopping list! Let us explain how this kind of shopping can actually help you save!
Shopping For Insurance?
All this means is you let your independent agent do all the searching {shopping} for the best rate on your auto and home insurance. The agency has contracts with several top-rated carriers and is able to input your information, helping you find the best rate and coverage on your insurance.
Does it cost to shop?
It doesn’t cost you a thing to shop your insurance. This is a no-obligation quote. You are not committed to anything. All an independent agent does is shop around and see if they can find you a better rate than what you are already paying. If we are able to beat your current rate, then we do all the work to get you on your way to savings!
When was the last you shopped?
Insurance rates fluctuate. There is no way around it. If your family has moved, or a driver is being added or removed, there is a good chance you could benefit from an insurance check-up. Updating your policy and having an agent there ready to answer all your questions is a huge benefit for you. An independent agency is able to input deductible changes, address changes, and add and remove drivers ensuring there are no discrepancies in your policy. They do all the legwork, making it a no-brainer on whether or not you should call. When was the last time some else did all the work for you?
In the middle of your term?
Just because you are in the middle of a six-month period does not mean you are obligated to that term. There is not a legal binding to your insurance carrier. Transfers are an easy thing. We notify your existing carrier and do all the necessary work to get you switched over to your new one.
Help yourself and your family this August and put some money back in the bank. In this situation, it never hurts to shop! Now how often can you say that?! Give us a call today, or find an agent near you at